• Your body exists in the past and your mind exists in the future. In yoga, they come together in the present.

    B.K. S. Iyengar

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My yoga experience

My early experience of yoga was very mixed, I went from Yoga-lates (basically pilates mixed with a bit of yoga), to Rocket, to Vinyasa, to Hatha…and many of other styles and variations along the way. It wasn’t until I found a local Astanga MySore class run by, my now, main yoga teacher and mentor Michèle Pianigiani…this was when I caught the ‘yoga bug’. I was out of work at the time and desperate for some structure, so I pushed through the cold dark January mornings, and was in the yoga studio at 6am attempting to learn the Astanga sequence (with A LOT of help from Michèle)…fast forward a couple of weeks and I was hooked…8 years on I still regularly attend Michèle’s classes - I love them and deeply value his mentorship.

Over the years I’ve adopted an all ‘styles’ approach to yoga rather than following a specific discipline. I am mostly influenced by Ashtanga, Forrest, Hatha, Vinyasa flow, Restorative, and Yin, and I know this will continue to adapt as my practice develops. I like this, it keeps things fresh and I am excited to see how my practice will evolve going forward.