1-1 Nutrition Consultation - What to expect

  • Before your consultation:

    After booking your consultation I will email a questionnaire for you to complete and send back to me three days before our initial consultation. The questionnaire does require you to fill out a three day food diary so please allow the time to complete this. In providing me with this information beforehand, I will be able to develop a picture of where you are now and tailor the programme to meet your unique requirements. This will also give more value to the consultation as much of the case analysis will be completed prior to meeting.

  • Initial consultation:

    Your initial consultation is 1 hr 30 minutes where we will discuss your current goals and health concerns. I will then tailor a nutrition and lifestyle programme specific to your needs which will be emailed to you within three working days of our consultation. Supplements and further testing may be recommended.

    Follow up consultation

    I recommend a follow-up consultation two to three weeks after your initial consultation. This is a way we can track your progress to date and make any necessary adjustments to your nutrition and lifestyle programme. The follow-up consultation lasts 45 minutes. Further consultations may be recommended depending on your requirements.


    Initial consultation £135 (90 mins)

    Follow up £85 (45 mins)

Want to find out if this is for you? Please click the link below to arrange a free call to answer any questions you might have

Book a free 20 minute discovery call

1-1 Nutrition and Yoga (8 week course)

This option is excellent for clients who do not yet have a regular exercise regime, who are in sedentary jobs, or have specific physical ailments or injuries they are looking to rehabilitate…also just an excellent option for those who are curious and want to deepen the relationship with their body, mind, and spirit. This 8 week yoga course suitable for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners and includes 1 initial nutritional consultation (90 minutes) and 3 follow up consultations (45 minutes each).


  • 8 weekly 1-1 yoga classes designed to meet your unique requirements (75 minute classes)

  • 1 x 90 minute nutritional consultation (week 1)

  • 3 x 45 minute follow up consultations (week 3, week 5, week 7)

Cost: £925 - first time clients receive 10% discount (£833)

“Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure.”


I am registered with The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and therefore practice under their strict code of conduct. Here is a short video describing in more detail how a BANT registered Nutritional Therapist can help you.